From time to time life invites us to integrate our learning and experience to take a big step into something different. Now is such a time! I’m excited to share this new chapter!
Susan A. Marshall
Welcome! I’m glad you stopped by today. As we all know—sometimes painfully—life continues to challenge us to adapt, grow and move beyond where we’ve been. In response, this website has been updated and expanded to include our new Compassion Chats podcast as well as an eclectic blog meant to entertain and perhaps inspire you to accept and positively respond to the challenges you face. I invite you to engage, ponder and reach out with a request, challenge or additional thought. If you would like to be a guest on our Compassion Chats podcast, please complete the form below.
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Backbone Banter Blog
Welcome! This blog is the product of many years of working with three elements of backbone: competence, confidence, and risk taking, as well as a writer’s compulsion to express. It is a weekly real-time collection of observations, musings, and an occasional rant. There’s no agenda, other than to comment on the world as it appears behind my eyeballs, hoping it
Etch-A-Sketch Principles
Once upon a toy time, there was Etch-A-Sketch, a creative toy sold for $2.99 in 1960. It was a Christmas favorite for several years. (You can find it today on Amazon for $23.99, “no charging, batteries, or Wi-Fi needed.”) An Etch-A-Sketch allows one to draw images by manipulating knobs – one on the left for horizontal lines; one on the

Etch-A-Sketch Principles
Once upon a toy time, there was Etch-A-Sketch, a creative toy sold for $2.99 in 1960. It was a Christmas favorite for several years. (You can find it today on Amazon for $23.99, “no charging, batteries, or Wi-Fi needed.”) An Etch-A-Sketch allows one to draw images by manipulating knobs – one on the left for horizontal lines; one on the

The encouragement to “Be Bold!” is often a hallmark of New Year ‘s admonitions, specifically as it pertains to decision making and communication. Fine as far as it goes, but the advice is often misconstrued where boldness is interpreted as forcefulness, typically demonstrated through commanding voice, unequivocal certainty, and aggressive demeanor. Another mistaken notion of boldness is the idea of

Devil as Diagnostician
“The devil is a keen diagnostician.” I heard this idea in a sermon recently and found it compelling. I’ve been reflecting on it and watching for evidence. It is everywhere. The devil (a name for any maleficent force) knows each of us well: Our weaknesses, past mistakes, secret regrets. As we ruminate on such things, he/it weaves our sadness and
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