From time to time life invites us to integrate our learning and experience to take a big step into something different. Now is such a time! I’m excited to share this new chapter!
Susan A. Marshall
Welcome! I’m glad you stopped by today. As we all know—sometimes painfully—life continues to challenge us to adapt, grow and move beyond where we’ve been. In response, this website has been updated and expanded to include our new Compassion Chats podcast as well as an eclectic blog meant to entertain and perhaps inspire you to accept and positively respond to the challenges you face. I invite you to engage, ponder and reach out with a request, challenge or additional thought. If you would like to be a guest on our Compassion Chats podcast, please complete the form below.
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How I Got Excited About AI
For the past couple of years I have been pooh-poohing AI and the “inevitable” changes it will bring to how we think, live, and do business. I have gone toe-to-toe—or rather brain-to-brain—with some of our local pioneers of technology, who have been willing to countenance my rebellion. My chief argument has been “No AI will ever out-human a human.” Meaning,
A Paradox of Professionalism
A paradox is the existence of two opposing ideas in the same sentence, both of which can be true. A ProWritingAid blog demonstrates with this example: “Joseph Heller uses paradox throughout his novel Catch-22. A major paradox is that Yossarian claims to be crazy to get out of fighting in the war. However, a crazy person would not be sane
Another Perspective
I write because we are in trouble. It is my way of seeking a center; a place of relative quiet to sort my thoughts and find strength to offer encouragement. Trigger warnings lure you into believing you cannot manage the vagaries of life. They claim that every utterance you dislike, don’t believe or find offensive, is reason to amp up
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