A Funny Thing Happened When I Forgot to Blame

A Funny Thing Happened When I Forgot to Blame

Premise: We learn to duck responsibilities for our actions at a very young age
By watching others – siblings, classmates, adults
By noting (and copying) excuses that seem to work
By insisting we couldn’t have known
By insisting BOLDLY “It wasn’t me!”

Learning to blame gets us off the hook, but begins a process of self-doubt
Blaming takes on a life of its own
Blaming consumes tremendous resources: time, attention, emotion, lost opportunity

When I forgot to blame, I started to relax
I noticed that nothing terrible happened
I learned that mistakes can be forgiven, especially when “owned”

Mind cleared.
Fear retreated.
Possibility surfaced.
Energy returned.
Excitement grew.

Power emerged.
Compassion blossomed.
Happiness—even joy—became possible.
Freedom resulted.

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