

The encouragement to “Be Bold!” is often a hallmark of New Year ‘s admonitions, specifically as it pertains to decision making and communication. Fine as far as it goes, but the advice is often misconstrued where boldness is interpreted as forcefulness, typically demonstrated through commanding voice, unequivocal certainty, and aggressive demeanor.

Another mistaken notion of boldness is the idea of living large or loud: pulling a power pose, gazing unblinkingly upon the peak and confidently striding forward. You can almost hear the cape flapping behind squared shoulders. Undaunted, the bold one goes where no one has dared before! Such boldness shall not be denied!

At best, this is comical. At worst, it can be incredibly destructive. Seeking to overpower—whether one’s tendency to shrink back or to stifle any opposition—is a recipe for all sorts of mischief. Superficial boldness stifles the exchange of ideas using overt and oftentimes cartoonish tactics. It doesn’t convince anyone.

Effective boldness, on the other hand, is confident: Assured of one’s position, while at the same time welcoming alternative views. It speaks in simple, clear words that convey honesty. It offers a perspective, knowing that one’s knowledge is incomplete yet fearing no loss of stature because of it. It is straightforward and respectfully unapologetic. Sensing no danger, others tend to participate in kind.

The challenge for many is that with so many inputs—expert opinions, best practices, and a critic behind every screen—they simply don’t know what they think. Or why. Boldness is an elusive quality.

Ultimately, there can be no effective boldness without preparation. Taking time to understand circumstances, relevant factors, and key players while having a clear desired outcome must precede a bold move. Charging forth without doing this work risks painting you a Paper Tiger. Your credibility will take a hit; your confidence will, too.

Do your work. Investigate your thoughts. Speak plainly. Invite engagement. Done with openness, these become bold acts that inspire others.

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The encouragement to “Be Bold!” is often a hallmark of New Year