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New Podcast for Caregivers

Bringing resources to caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and welcoming all who are tasked with caring for loved ones with prolonged diseases.

Dementia Friendly Pewaukee

Learn about resources available to those caring for a loved one with dementia, and enjoy a Caregiving Panel Discussion, Dementia Medications, Vendors, Live Music, Kneading Time Chair Massages, Self-Care Tips and Refreshments from the GFWC Woman’s Club of Pewaukee.

Registration is Required for this Free In-Person Event. Please email AbbyLorenz@wi.rr.com or text 414-350-8713 with name and number of guests.

More information at www.dfPewaukee.org.

View the flyerm (pdf).

Please contact Susan if you’d like to be a guest on Compassion Chats

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