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New Podcast for Caregivers

Bringing resources to caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and welcoming all who are tasked with caring for loved ones with prolonged diseases.

“How to Age with Grace” author Bobbi Linkemer

Bobbi Linkemer was a writing coach, ghostwriter, and editor before she retired in 2019 at the age of eighty-two. Bobbi’s interest in aging is personal because she is an older adult, and practical because she is aware of the many available options to help her get the most out of life. Like so many of her contemporaries, she continues to be active physically, intellectually, and politically. She has wide-ranging interests and a desire to contribute to her community, encourage and mentor aspiring authors, and help older adults maintain their health and vitality throughout their lives.

How to Age with Grace: Living Your Best Life in Your 70s, 80s, and Beyond answers the ten most pressing questions older adults ask to help them live well now and prepare for the years ahead. Each chapter answers one question thoroughly. The book is both personal and practical, sharing the author’s experience, calling on the knowledge of many experts, and offering scores of suggestions on how to deal with this stage of life. Find out more at howtoagewithgrace.com

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